Brushing Program Offered by Dahlberg Light and Power

DLP Provides a Service to Remove Trees from Right of Ways

Brushing Program | DLPTrees that are too close to power lines can interfere with electric service, especially when weather brings lightning, ice or high winds.

Dahlberg Light & Power Co. has a full time crew that is continually brushing out the Right-of-ways / Easement areas of our electrical distribution system. This work is necessary to decrease the hazard of electrocution by reducing sources of contact with our lines. Properly maintained right-of-way corridors not only help save lives but enables us to restore power more efficiently after a storm.

Our mechanical brush mowers will mulch up limbs. However, some large pieces may remain. Trees outside the edge of the right-of-way that are dead, leaning or otherwise pose a hazard to conductors will also be taken down. If you are aware of such trees outside of the right-of-way, please advise us.

We appreciate your cooperation as we continue this very important maintenance program.